
Ascia Arts is often made with high-quality materials and craftsmanship that can be difficult to find today, and such a gift will not only be a symbol of the past but also a durable and valuable souvenir that will last for many years. It is also important to remember that our product is a reliable investment.

That is, the value of such a gift will only increase over time. It can be passed on, as can its story and the memory of its inheritance. These items often have sophisticated designs and elegance that catch the eye and create a special atmosphere.

Ascia Art Elegant Two Delts Six Dishes Six technicians and Smoker set

In stock
AED 2,750.00
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About this item


Gorgeous coffee set with beautiful designs.

Ascia's Art completely handcrafted or engraved the goods' distinctive pattern. With this exquisite drinkware set, enjoying Turkish or Arabic coffee with your visitors would be a delightful experience.

Just as Arabic coffee is an essential component of Emirates culture, dallah is a sign of hospitality and giving in Emirati society.

Rose Dallah Set
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